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There are many peoples use a mobile devices, laptops and tablets in their daily life. These devices have batteries to use those devices. The batteries are the most important thing in these smartphones. Most of the people like to prefer longer battery life smart device to buy. After the purchase people didn’t get the information about their device battery. And android devices also didn’t show up the battery health as default.

But you can easily get your battery health by using some of the tricks on your android smartphone. The following methods are very helpful to understand your battery health on your android smartphone. Just apply the following methods on your android. Most of the people didn’t know about these methods. If you have a bad battery health, you need to change the battery on your android smartphone. I will show you how to check the battery health on your android smartphone.

Table of Contents

Secret Dialer Method

Android has a secret dialer method to get more information on your system. These following steps to get more details on your android system. Most of the android users didn’t know about this method. This method helps to get more details about hardware. Just apply the following steps on your android.

  • First open the Dialer app on your android smartphone. Then type the following code on your dialer.

  • Now while you press the * the hidden Testing tool appears on your android screen. Now choose the Battery Information in the list.

  • Then you will see all the battery information of your android smartphone. The details also show the battery health.

Using AccuBattery App

This is one of the best method to find your battery condition on your android smartphone. Just install and get the details on your android smartphone. This app almost gives the perfect battery details on your android smartphone. Just apply the following steps on your smartphone.

  • First open the Playstore and type AccuBattery on the search bar.

  • Then Select that application. Then click the Install option.

  • After that, please wait for few minutes while that app install on your android smartphone.
  • Now open that application. Then you will see the many details about your phone battery consumption. Then select the Health tab on the bottom of the phone.

  • Now you will see the Battary Health status on your android smartphone.

  • If the battery percentage are good, leave it. If that’s not, just change the battery as soon as possible.

Check with Nearast Repair Center

If you find out any bad information on your android smartphone battery, you need to replace the battery on your android smartphone. This is the final method you need to to with your android smartphone. Because if your battery is weak, your battery will be drain very quick. So you need to change your battery as soon as possible.

There are many people facing the problem with battery. The replacement is the best solution for the battery ageing. So just find the nearby android repair center for the battery replacement. This method will help you to get fix the battery related problems.

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